Thursday, December 5, 2013


Wow the semester is almost finished PAH! (deaf way to say success!) my paper is finished at last. After so many revision and trimming excess information and it looks so amazing. This class helped me to learn how to write an research paper. I find this almost similar to Eng101 But I enjoyed this class. It was a challenging course but it was interesting to see how much editing it took to create the research paper. Cannot wait to complete all the introductory courses and this will be the last one for the English portion.

Good luck with the finals.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

my blog update

Hope you got an nice holiday there. I had great time and been busy editing my paper. I was disappointed in my peer review. My peer did not write anything at all either that peer was speechless of my paper or just didn't want to do it. I wanted to get the peer's opinion.

The lucky 5 students that I posted on their blog links and my comments that I wrote to them are:

  • Stephanie, Keep it up. I understand your struggle
    it is almost same thing as what I'm doing now. Drafts are sometimes tricky
    because you never know what to add or delete per professor's requirement. The
    paper should be exciting at the end seeing your hard work all semester.  (Stephanie R)
  • That is the truth. Yeah the process of elimination really shows how much the paper has been changed all semester. I understand your toll on personal life and you manage try to pull it through. I'm having almost same thing because I'm taking 3 boring courses and they are not that exciting. Soon the semester will be over. (Saunders' blog)
  • Scarlette, I'm going through almost same thing as you. Except for my peer review. My peer did not write anything not even one ink spot on my paper! Either that peer is speechless on my paper or doesn't know what to say. Peer review supposed to give me some feedback and I didn't get that! It is tricky but I have to figure out myself of what I can keep or delete my paper. Me too I'm excited about the due date get it over within. (Scarlette)
  • Same thing with me except I do not have a job. But the point is that the paper is almost finished right? The due date is creeping upon closer and I understand the procrastination part. Same thing with my other classes is bugging me too due to finals creeping closer. Cannot wait for the semester to be finally over. (Dionne)
  • Cathelyne, Yeah sometimes it is shocking to get a good grade on the first try because sometimes the writer thinks it is lousy but actually it is a good draft. Me too I do get some tiny details to edit but the paper was great. It true that time flies closer to the due date. But hang in there the semester will be over soon and cheers. It was a very interesting semester going through many editing processes and eliminating to keep the standards high. (Cathelyne's blog)
  • Saturday, November 23, 2013

    my paper progress

    Hi all,

    I cannot wait for this semester to be over! I'm now revising my paper and making it look perfect. I am adding more citations and figuring out how to blend it smoothly. My professor said that she learned a lot about my paper. She now understands more about deaf culture. I think it is great to learn about different cultures.

    Tuesday, November 12, 2013

    My progress

    Right now my research paper is getting a trim! The professor said that it has to be 10 pages max. I already got 7 pages down (double spaced) and it was the half of the paper! So it getting a trim and I will delete and trying compress the information to make the requirement.

    The Bronx High School observation was very interesting one. Totally different experience and in the paper you will find out why.

    Stay tuned!

    Tuesday, November 5, 2013

    blog update!

    It has been a whirlwind so far.

    My paper is coming along very good. One more school to visit! It will be in The Bronx this Friday. Also the longest observation ever! I will be observing 4 classes yes I said 4 classes. It will be very interesting to see 4 different classes all of the classes will be different. Then it typing time! I'm already beginning to percolate all of the ideas together.  

    Monday, October 28, 2013

    my research outline

    Here is my research outline for my upcoming paper.


    research process so far

    Hi all,

    So far it going very well. Being setting up the outline which will be posted soon.

    School #3 done! 1 more to go!

    Janet Liberman interview was cancelled at the last second so will be setting up soon with a new date.

    Stay tuned!